Explain the following terms briefly: attribute, domain, entity, relationship, entity set, relationship set, one-to-many relationship, many-to-many relationship, participation constraint, overlap constraint, covering constraint, weak entity set, aggregation, and role indicator.

Attribute - a property or description of an entity. A toy department employee entity could have attributes describing the employee’s name, salary, and years of service.

Domain - a set of possible values for an attribute.

Entity - an object in the real world that is distinguishable from other objects such as the green dragon toy. Relationship - an association among two or more entities.

Entity set - a collection of similar entities such as all of the toys in the toy department.

Relationship set - a collection of similar relationships

One-to-many relationship - a key constraint that indicates that one entity can be associated with many of another entity. An example of a one-to-many relationship is when an employee can work for only one department, and a department can have many employees.

Many-to-many relationship - a key constraint that indicates that many of one entity can be associated with many of another entity. An example of a manyto-many relationship is employees and their hobbies: a person can have many different hobbies, and many people can have the same hobby.

Participation constraint - a participation constraint determines whether relationships must involve certain entities. An example is if every department entity has a manager entity. Participation constraints can either be total or partial. A total participation constraint says that every department has a manager. A partial participation constraint says that every employee does not have to be a manager.

Overlap constraint - within an ISA hierarchy, an overlap constraint determines whether or not two subclasses can contain the same entity.

Covering constraint - within an ISA hierarchy, a covering constraint determines where the entities in the subclasses collectively include all entities in the superclass. For example, with an Employees entity set with subclasses HourlyEmployee and SalaryEmployee, does every Employee entity necessarily have to be within either HourlyEmployee or SalaryEmployee?

Weak entity set - an entity that cannot be identified uniquely without considering some primary key attributes of another identifying owner entity. An example is including Dependent information for employees for insurance purposes.

Aggregation - a feature of the entity relationship model that allows a relationship set to participate in another relationship set. This is indicated on an ER diagram by drawing a dashed box around the aggregation.

Role indicator - If an entity set plays more than one role, role indicators describe the different purpose in the relationship. An example is a single Employee entity set with a relation Reports-To that relates supervisors and subordinates.


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