Differentiate between Overloading and Overriding
overloading is a compile time polymorphism.
overriding is a runtime polymorphism.
it means “add” more behavior.
it means “change” existing behavior.
in overloading the parameters should be unique
i.e. the number of parameters should differ or the type would be different.
This is because compiler should know the methods in compile time only.
In overriding, we re-implement or change the
functionality of the base class method in derived class the number of parameter
and return type should be same.
They appear in the same class or a subclass.
It appears in subclass.
There is relationship between methods
available in the same class.
There is relationship between a superclass
method and subclass method.
Overloading does not block inheritance from
the superclass.
Overriding blocks inheritance.
What is difference between overriding and overloading in object oriented programming? Nice