What are the categories of network?
There are three primary categories are,
Local area network.
Metropolitan area network.
Wide area network.
1. Local Area Network:
They are usually privately owned and link the
devices in a single office, building and campus. Currently LAN size is limited
to a few kilometers. It may be from two PC’s to throughout a company.
The most common LAN topologies are bus, ring
and star. They have data rates from 4 to 16 Mbps. Today the speed is on
increasing and can reach 100 mbps.
2. Metropolitan Area Network:
They are designed to extend over an entire
city. It may be a single network or connecting a number of LANs into a large
network. So the resources are shared between LANs. Example of MAN is, telephone companies provide a popular MAN service
called switched multi megabit data service (SMDS).
3. Wide Area Network:
It provides a long distance transmission of
data, voice, image and video information over a large geographical are like
country, continent or even the whole world.
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