What are the characteristics of data in database?
Following are the characteristics of Data in a database:
- Shared : Date in a database is shared among different users and applications.
- Persistence: Data in a database exist permanently in the sense, the data can live beyond the scope of the process that created it.
- Validity/Integrity/Correctness: Data should be correct with respect to the real world entity that they represent.
- Security: Data should be protected from unauthorized access.
- Consistency: Whenever more than one data element in a database represents related real-world values, the values should be consistent with respect to the relationship.
- Non-redundancy: No two data items in a database should represent the same real-world entity.
- Independence: The three levels in the schema (internal, conceptual and external) should be independent of each other so that the changes in the schema at one level should not affect the other levels.