What are various compression techniques?
Answer:- Compression:- Compression refers to the reduction of the size. Reduction
of the size helps in the transmission of the data in network.
are various techniques for compression of the data:-
Lossless Compression: Lossless compression is the set of
compression techniques in which data is compressed in such a way such that no
information is lost at the time of decompression. Following are three general
techniques under lossless compression.
Character count:- In this method, If same character is being repeated
multiple time, instead of repeating the same character special symbol is
inserted followed by frequency of continuous repetition. It is assumed that
special character consumes less space in comparison to normal characters.
will be compressed as:- #37#56#75#A63#26
Relative Compression:- In this method repeated words or
repeated statements(preferably longer) are stored at one memory address. When
same word of statement is repeated than instead of writing the word the memory
address in referenced. This approach may also compress the data up to the great
LZW Compression techniques:- In this approaches the coding style is selected based on the frequency of the characters. e.g. if A is coming in the text again and again will be given small code, If Z is coming rarely may be given longer code.
b) Lossy Compression:-
This is special kind of compression technique used
for video and image compression. In this method ignorable information (e.g.
corner pixels in video) are lost at the time of compression. Therefore at the
time of de-compression exact size is not obtained as it was before compression.
This method drastically can reduce the size, but
obviously we need to compromise with some unrelavent information.
In this method graphical objects are re-drawn as
3D-vectors and these vectors are transmitted.