Is it safe to use Facebook? How to securely use Social Web?
Despite the actual
statistics about the popularity of Social Web, security is always a burning
question. Anyone can get into hot water when asked, which social web is most
popular, whether it is Facebook, or Twitter or Instagram or other. But whatever
it is, when it comes to end users, there is always a mind-shattering question
“Is it safe to use Facebook? Or how can I secure my Web World?” In this
article, I would like to share you about most common ways people can exploit your
web world and tweaks you can do to prevent yourself from being socially
What are the common security threats?
Emails and notifications: If you get email asking for your username or
password, never respond them. Facebook or any other website will never ask you
to send your username or password or answer to your security questions. Spammers
and scammers sometimes create phony emails that look like they’re from
Facebook. These emails can be very convincing. You might get something like,
warnings that something will happen to your account if you don't update it or
take another immediate action, Claims or offers that sound too good to be true
(ex: You've won the Facebook Lottery!) etc.
Some program claims that they can give you special feature on your Facebook
like, who viewed your timeline or adding theme to timeline. When you click on
those links, it asks you to download small extensions. Once done, it will
populate your timelines with ads and banners and makes your timeline load
o Remedy: To get rid of them remove the
suspicious extensions from the browser you use. For example in, if you are
using Safari, you click on “Safari” ->
“Preferences” ->”Extensions” and remove unwanted extensions.
Malware is software system that is designed to break a PC or a network. If
you've got Malware on your PC, it might be wont to get around Facebook's
security controls and take over your account. This software system will collect
data from your account, send standing updates or messages that appear as if
they are from you, or cowl your account with ads that crash your pc.
o Remedy:
Change your Password.
Scan your computer for Malware.
Upgrade your browser to latest version.
Remove unwanted browser add-ons.
through Keyloggers: Keylogger is a type of computer virus that tracks
key strokes. Keyloggers can be installed remotely on a computer system by a
cracker to record all the activity that is going on the victim's computer.
Keylogging gets easier if the hacker has physical access to the victim's
o Remedy: Install a good antivirus and
update it frequently. Do not click on suspicious links and avoid downloading
illegal software. Also, avoid installing free toolbars and other such spam
software. Always scan third-person's flash and pen drives before using them on
your computer.
Phishing is one of the easiest ways to trick users into giving out their login
credentials. All a hacker does is setup a webpage similar in design to that of
the Facebook homepage, attach a server sided script to track the username and
password entered and store it in a log. Sending people emails stating that
someone tagged a photo of them on Facebook in the same format as Facebook and
giving a link below to the Phishing website further reduces the chances of it
being detected as a fake. Sometimes, spam Facebook apps, like those promising
to tell who viewed your Facebook profile, automatically post links to Phishing
websites. A new trend amongst phishers is creating Facebook look-a-like widgets
for stealing user's login credentials.
o Remedy: If you think your friend's
account was phished, tell them to change their password and run anti-virus
software on their computer. At all costs, avoid clicking on suspicious links.
Moreover, always check the URL in the address bar before signing in. Avoid
logging in through various "Facebook widgets" offered by websites and
blogs. Instead, use Facebook's homepage to sign in.
How to keep your account safe?
your mobile number: Most of the social web allows securing your account
using mobile numbers. You can get notifications whenever some unknown person
tries to access your account. Code Generator methods of Facebook
are one of the great ways to protect your Facebook account.
Pick a
strong password: Do not use
any dictionary words. Any meaningful words can be hacked through some attacking
methods. Use a combination of at least six numbers, letters, and punctuation
Make sure
your email account(s) are secure: Do not use same password for your email
and Facebook or any other social web. If you have same password, stop reading
this right here and go ahead and change your password.
Log out
of Facebook: Log out of Facebook or other sites when you use a computer you
share with other people. Do not save your password in your browser when it
prompts for saving it.
anti-virus software on your computer: Keep your anti-virus and Operating
System updated. Operating system keeps integrating security patches in every
new version. Make sure you have latest copy.
Think before you click or download anything.
What to do after your account is hacked?
What can be done after your
account is hacked? Don’t Panic. Web security flows is a known but controlled
your Password: If your password was not changed, change your password
immediately. If your password is change, reset your password.
compromised account: If your Facebook account is compromised, it means
your Facebook account was not hacked. Follow the instructions and you can
regain the access to your account.
damage Control: After you regain access to your account checks your
inbox, settings, apps etc. Inform your friends your account was hacked and if
any message sent was not by you. Remove suspicious applications.
your email password: If your email address is hacked, hacker or spammer
can easily gain access to your all the accounts associated with that email
address. Make sure, your email account is safe.
Compiled By
Suresh Kumar Mukhiya
[Web Developer, Web Security Analyst, SEO Expert]
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